Kriya yoga


It is a system of consciousness, flow of PRANA and rhythm of breath. On the gross (physical) level if the rhythm of breath gets disturbed, the flow of prana gets affected or blocked on subtler level and on the subtlest levels cause’s blind areas to appear in our consciousness. That’s how diseases occur in the human mind-body complex.

By practicing Kriya Yoga you correct your breath rhythm, which thereby increases the pranic flow and helps removing the blind spots in your karmic body to clear up your consciousness. This is how awareness can penetrate from grossest to subtlest level bringing about total healing at all levels.

By proceeding in this manner, a seeker, sooner or later, has the impression of crossing a mental state which resembles a loss of ambiguous awareness and emerge in a transparent and  perfect awareness, then will merge in the ocean of spiritual light. It is as when by air plane we cross the clouds and suddenly emerge into the clear sky, in the light.

Understanding the Kriya Yoga

As all living beings desire to be happy always, without misery.

in order to gain that happiness which is one’s nature where there is no mind, one should know one’s self. For that, the path of knowledge, the inquiry of the form “Who am I?”, is the principal means.

Who am I?

The gross body which is composed of the five elements I am not.

The five cognitive sense organs, viz. the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell, which apprehend their respective objects, viz. sound, touch, colour, taste, and odour, I am not.

The five cognitive sense organs, viz. the organs of speech, locomotion, grasping, excretion, and procreation, which have as their respective functions of speaking, moving, grasping, excreting, and sexually enjoying, I am not.

The five vital airs, prana, etc., which perform respectively the five functions of in-breathing, etc., I am not.

The mind which thinks, I am not.

The nescience too, which is endowed only with the residual impressions of objects, and in which there are no objects and no functioning’s, I am not.

If I am none of these, then who am I?

After negating all of the above-mentioned as ‘not this’, ‘not this’, that Awareness which alone remains – that I am.

What is the nature of Awareness? 

The nature of Awareness is existence-consciousness-bliss. 

Why I am not aware of my true self?

Because my mind body mechanism creating an illusion and not allowing the self-realization to happen actually.

What can be done to overcome the present scenario?

The mind has to be understood deeply – the mind which needs lies, the mind which needs illusions, the mind which cannot exist with the real, the mind which needs dreams. You are not dreaming only in the night. Even while awake, you are dreaming continuously. You may be looking at something, you may be listening to someone, you may be reading a book, you may be watching TV, you may be talking, and walking etc. but a dream current goes on within you. Continuously, the mind is creating dreams, images, and fantasies without your knowledge and permission.

When there are day dreams you will be doing something, but you will be absent. Inside, you are occupied. For example, while attending my lectures while listening to me If your mind is passing through a dream state, you will listen to me without listening at all, because your mind will be occupied within. If you are not in a dreaming state, only then you can listen to me.

Day, night, mind goes on moving from no-dream to dream, then from dream to no-dream again. This is an inner rhythm. Not only that we continuously dream, in life also we project hopes into the future.

The present is almost always a hell. You can prolong it only because of the hope that you have projected into the future. You can live today because of the tomorrow. You are hoping something is going to happen tomorrow – some doors of paradise will open tomorrow. They never open today, and when tomorrow will come it will not come as a tomorrow, it will come as today, but by the time your mind has moved again. You go on moving ahead of you: this is what dreaming means. You are not one with the real, that which is nearby, that which is here and now, you are somewhere else – moving ahead, jumping ahead.

To cross the limitations of body mind mechanism you need to attain self-realization, you need to attain the stage of enlightenment and for this achievement you need to sit in TURYA state for a considerable long period. TURYA means complete thoughtlessness with full awareness. For a short period thoughtlessness is achieved during deep and complete relaxed sleep but since awareness is not available TURYA state is not achieved similarly while you are awaken you may be completely aware of yourself for a short duration but thoughtlessness is not available therefore TURYA state is not achieved.

Turya state can only be achieved by practicing meditation, ultimately, meditation is to lead you to the state of enlightenment.

You cannot sit in successful meditation even for a small period because you have certain impurities in your Tatva (elements) and Prana (Vital air), and imbalance of chakras, to overcome from your impurities in Tatvas / Pranas and imbalance in Chakras Kriya is practiced.  As you do more and more “ Kriya” and meditation your cellular level changes will create a new YOU. With regular practice of “ Kriya” followed by meditation; you are reborn! Through your commitment to practice “Kriya”, and Meditation on day to day basis, which is to focus on emphasizing the positive, you will increase balance in your life. That balance is the basis of wholeness and fulfillment. “Kriya”, is a simple balancing technique that is also a powerful tool for life transformation!